Nevis LLC


The Nevis Limited Liability Company (LLC) is one of the most attractive and convenient offshore company structures in the world, known for its robust asset protection and flexible operational framework. Evident by the repeated replication of the legislation across many other jurisdictions around the world. A Nevis LLC is created under the Nevis Limited Liability Company Ordinance 1995 with its asset protection features being enhanced even further in a 2015 amendment.

Key Benefits

  • Flexible Management Structure: Legislation allows single-member LLCs that can be managed by the member themselves or by appointed managers.
  • Strong Anti-Creditor Legislation:
    • Limited Creditor Remedies:The sole remedy available to creditors is a non-renewable three-year charging order on the LLC membership interest. For example, if a court rules in favor of a creditor, they can only obtain a charging order on your LLC interest for three years, during which they cannot force distributions, interfere with management decisions, or liquidate the LLC. Once the charging order expires, the creditor loses any claim against your LLC interest.
    • Local Enforcement Only: Foreign judgments are not recognized in Nevis, requiring creditors to bring their case before the Nevis High Court.
    • Bond Requirement: Before pursuing legal action to enforce a judgment against an LLC or one of its members, creditors are required to deposit a bond with the Nevis High Court. The court will assess and determine the bond amount prior to the commencement of proceedings.
    • Property Dispositions: Transferring property to a Nevis LLC benefits from protective measures resembling those in Nevis trust laws. These provisions make it challenging for creditors to undo the transfer and seize assets
  • Confidentiality and Privacy: There is no Beneficial Ownership register. The identities of managers, members, and beneficial owners are confidential, not retained in any centralized register, and cannot be divulged without reasonable excuse.
  • Unique Tax Uses: Can be used as an estate tax blocker by non-US persons with US assets

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What’s Included?

  • Registered and operational company
  • Complete application process handled on your behalf
  • Due diligence checks conducted as part of the service
  • Drafting of country-compliant company documents such as the operating agreement
  • Coverage of all third-party costs, including first-year registration fees with the appropriate government body
  • Application guide outlining each step of the application process.

The Nevis Limited Liability Company (LLC) is one of the most attractive and convenient offshore company structures in the world, known for its robust asset protection and flexible operational framework. Evident by the repeated replication of the legislation across many other jurisdictions around the world. Key Benefits Flexible Management Structure: Legislation allows single-member LLCs that can be managed by the member themselves or by appointed managers.

Key Benefits

  • Flexible Management Structure: Legislation allows single-member LLCs that can be managed by the member themselves or by appointed managers.
  • Strong Anti-Creditor Legislation:
    • Limited Creditor Remedies: The sole remedy available to creditors is a non-renewable three-year charging order on the LLC membership interest. For example, if a court rules in favor of a creditor, they can only obtain a charging order on your LLC interest for three years, during which they cannot force distributions, interfere with management decisions, or liquidate the LLC. Once the charging order expires, the creditor loses any claim against your LLC interest.
    • Local Enforcement Only: Foreign judgments are not enforceable in Nevis, requiring creditors to bring their case before the Nevis High Court. In the extremely rare instance that a creditor manages to bring a case to the Nevis High Court and win their claim, the sole remedy available is a non-renewable three-year charging order over your membership interest. This means that if a distribution occurs, the creditor would be entitled to a share. However, since the charging order is non-renewable, you can refrain from making distributions for the three-year period.
    • Bond Requirement: Before pursuing legal action to enforce a judgment against an LLC or one of its members, creditors are required to deposit a bond with the Nevis High Court. The court will assess and determine the bond amount prior to the commencement of proceedings.
  • Property Dispositions: Transferring property to a Nevis LLC benefits from protective measures resembling those in Nevis trust laws. These provisions make it challenging for creditors to undo the transfer and seize assets.
  • Unique Tax Uses: Can be used as an estate tax blocker by non-US persons with US assets.
  • Confidentiality and Privacy: There is no Beneficial Ownership register. The identities of managers, members, and beneficial owners are confidential, not retained in any centralized register, and cannot be divulged without reasonable excuse.
  • Asset Protection: Take advantage of Nevis’ robust asset protection and privacy laws, ensuring your assets are shielded from legal claims, creditors, and judgments.
  • Tax Efficiency: Enjoy tax exemption on income generated outside Nevis. The LLC functions as a pass-through entity, with earnings taxed according to the individual’s country of residency.
  • Legal Stability: Conduct business within a stable legal and regulatory framework.
  • International Recognition: Benefit from Nevis’ global respect and recognition, enhancing your international business operations.

About Nevis: Nevis, nestled in the Caribbean, holds strategic significance as an offshore financial center in close proximity to the United States. Its geographical proximity, just a short distance from the shores of the U.S., makes it an appealing choice for individuals and businesses seeking to establish offshore structures.

Other Requirements:

  • Simplified Tax Return: LLCs operating in Nevis are required to submit an annual Simplified Tax Return. This document serves to confirm the location from which the LLC is managed and controlled, thereby determining its tax residency status.
  • Reference Letters: Nevis requires two reference letters for due diligence. A bank reference letter from an existing bank relationship. A professional reference letter from a lawyer or accountant with whom you’ve worked.

The Structure:

  • Member(s): Nevis LLCs can have one or more members, including individuals, companies, or trusts. Members hold ownership interests, which can be based on percentage ownership. Single-member LLCs are allowed and can be managed by the member or appointed managers.
  • Manager(s): The LLC can be managed by one or more managers, who may or may not be members. Managers handle decision-making and ensure smooth company operations.
    It is common for the person establishing the LLC to appoint themselves as the sole Member (100% ownership) and Manager.

    • It is common for the person establishing the LLC to appoint themselves as the sole Member (100% ownership) and Manager
  • Operating Agreement: The LLC operates based on an operating agreement outlining the rights, responsibilities, and duties of members and managers. This is included in your incorporation fee
  • Registered Agent: A registered agent in Nevis is required and included in your incorporation fee.

Establishing a Nevis LLC through OCO’s efficient onboarding process can see your LLC operational in just 2-5 days. This setup offers a reliable solution for those seeking asset protection, tax efficiency, and confidentiality within a reputable offshore jurisdiction.

View the full governing legislation here: Nevis FSRC – LLCs 

Where is Nevis?

Nevis is a small island located in the Caribbean Sea, near the northern end of the Lesser Antilles. It lies approximately 350 kilometers (about 220 miles) east-southeast of Puerto Rico and 80 kilometers (about 50 miles) west of Antigua. Notably, Nevis is part of the two-island federation of St. Kitts and Nevis, and its proximity to the US is highlighted by its relative closeness to Puerto Rico, which is a US territory.

Why should I use Offshore Companies Online for my company formation?

Offshore Companies Online streamlines the process by managing the entire application for you, conducting due diligence checks, and preparing compliant company documents. We cover all third-party costs, including first-year registration fees, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience. Additionally, we provide an application guide to assist you every step of the way. Our all-inclusive “pay-when-completed” model guarantees transparency and peace of mind.

Do I need to visit Nevis to open my LLC?

No, you do not need to visit Nevis to open your LLC. The entire process can be completed remotely, saving you time and travel expenses.

What if a creditor wins their claim?

If a creditor were to win their claim, the sole remedy available is a non-renewable three-year charging order over your membership interest. This means that if a distribution occurs, the creditor would be entitled to a share. However, since the charging order is non-renewable, you can refrain from making distributions for the three-year period. Additionally, the creditor must retain a Nevis attorney and bring the case to the Nevis High Court for any action to be enforced, providing significant protection for your assets.

What documents are required to set up a Nevis LLC?

To set up a Nevis LLC, you will need to provide identification documents such as a passport, proof of address, and any additional information required for due diligence checks.

Are there any restrictions on the types of business activities a Nevis LLC can engage in?

A Nevis LLC can engage in a wide range of business activities. However, it cannot conduct business activities within Nevis itself if it wishes to maintain tax-exempt status.

How does taxation work for a Nevis LLC?

A Nevis LLC is exempt from local taxes on income generated outside of Nevis. It operates as a passthrough entity, with earnings taxed based on the individual residency of the members.

Can I open a bank account for my Nevis LLC?

Yes, you can open a bank account for your Nevis LLC. It is often recommended to open a bank account in conjunction with establishing the LLC for comprehensive financial management.

Is my information secure with a Nevis LLC?

Yes, your information is highly secure. Nevis has strong confidentiality laws, and there is no public register of beneficial owners, managers, or members, ensuring your privacy.

What is the role of a registered agent for a Nevis LLC?

A registered agent is required for a Nevis LLC and acts as the company’s official point of contact within the jurisdiction. The agent handles compliance and regulatory correspondence on behalf of the LLC. This service is included in your incorporation fee.