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Offshore Companies Online offers International Business Companies and Limited Liability Companies in the following jurisdictions.

Choosing the right jurisdiction is not merely a matter of convenience; it’s a strategic imperative. A carefully selected jurisdiction for your company provides a sanctuary for your wealth to flourish under robust legal frameworks and out of harms way.

The Cook Islands

With its robust asset protection laws, tax-free environment, and unwavering commitment to privacy, the Cook Islands is one of the best jurisdictions for your offshore company. Companies can be incorporated within 24 hours, while strict confidentiality provisions and asset protection laws ensure tax benefits and financial freedom.

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Professional Jurisdiction

Experienced registered agents ensure ease of business and stability unlike those in your home country.


Substantial penalties for violating confidentiality provisions. No public registry of Directors or Shareholders.

St. Kitts & Nevis

Nevis is a Caribbean haven for your offshore company. With a longstanding experience with the US market, its financial products are familiar and reputable while its legislation ensures privacy and a favorable tax environment.

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Convenient Location

Nevis is a conveniently short distance from Puerto Rico

Strong Legislation

Nevis company legislation ensures privacy, tax efficiency, and asset protection. All of which contribute to its status as one of the best jurisdictions for an offshore company.