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The Cook Islands is made up of 15 islands nestled in the South Pacific, 3,000km North East of New Zealand. Renowned for its comprehensive asset protection legislation developed in 1982, the Cook Islands stands as a fortress against external pressures, safeguarding the assets of foreign investors.

Despite global shifts in financial regulations, the Cook Islands has remained resilient, adapting to new international standards while maintaining its commitment to client confidentiality. The jurisdiction continues to uphold its reputation as a secure and compliant offshore destination.

Companies incorporated in the Cook Islands benefit from flexible structures within a highly secure environment. With minimal regulatory constraints and robust offshore laws, the Cook Islands offers unparalleled protection for your wealth.

General Information

The Cook Islands is known for its stunning natural beauty, pristine beaches, and vibrant marine life, making it a popular tourist destination, however, it is is widely recognized as the worldā€™s leading asset protection jurisdiction for offshore structures and provides extremely favorable conditions for wealth enhancement.

In terms of governance, the Cook Islands operates as a parliamentary democracy in free association with New Zealand. This arrangement grants the Cook Islands a considerable degree of autonomy while still maintaining ties with New Zealand for stability and foreign affairs.

The jurisdiction is recognized for its comprehensive asset protection legislation, which was established in 1982. This legislation has made the Cook Islands a preferred destination for individuals and businesses seeking to protect their assets and wealth.

Among the financial services offered in the Cook Islands is the Cook Islands Limited Liability Company (LLC). The Cook Islands LLC is a popular choice for individuals and businesses looking to establish a corporate entity in a secure and confidential offshore jurisdiction.

Overall, the Cook Islands and its LLC structure provide a secure and compliant platform for asset protection and offshore business activities, attracting investors and businesses from around the world seeking financial privacy and stability.

  • Widely recognized asset protection jurisdiction
  • English speaking
  • Currency: NZD
  • English Common Law
  • No public register of directors or shareholders

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

A Cook Islands LLC provides a layer of protection as well as a tax favorable corporate structure for you to manage your assets through. Keeping your assets safe in one of the best offshore jurisdictions.

Start Your Company
  • Tax:Ā Income generated by your LLC will be exempt from taxation in the Cook Islands as long as it does not conduct business in the Cook Islands, this is because the Directors are not resident and control of the company is exercised outside of the Cook Islands.
  • Liability: The liability of members is limited to the extent of their capital contributions.
  • Capital Contribution: No disclosure or minimum requirements.
  • Registered Agent:Ā A Cook Islands registered agent is required and is included in your incorporation fee.
  • Privacy:Ā Information on managers and members are confidential.
  • Shareholders:Ā Corporate shareholders and directors are allowed.
  • Single member LLC’s
  • Established in 2-5 days


  • Asset Protection: The Cook Islands is renowned for its robust asset protection laws, which shield assets from legal claims, creditors, and judgments.
  • Privacy: The jurisdiction prioritizes privacy, with strict confidentiality laws that ensure the privacy of company ownership and financial information.
  • Limited Liability: Companies incorporated in the Cook Islands benefit from limited liability protection, separating personal assets from business liabilities.
  • Tax Benefits: The Cook Islands offers favorable tax treatment, including no corporate income tax, no capital gains tax, and no estate or inheritance tax.
  • Efficient Registration Process: Incorporating in the Cook Islands is made straightforward with OCO, with a quick and cost-effective registration process typically completed within a few days.
  • Legal Stability: The Cook Islands boasts a stable legal and regulatory environment, providing certainty and predictability for businesses operating within its jurisdiction.
  • International Recognition: Companies incorporated in the Cook Islands are recognized and respected internationally, facilitating global business activities and relationships.
  • Limited Reporting Requirements: The Cook Islands imposes minimal reporting and record-keeping requirements, reducing administrative burdens for businesses.
  • Protection Against Foreign Judgments: The jurisdiction does not recognize foreign judgments, providing an additional layer of protection against legal actions initiated outside the Cook Islands.
  • Confidentiality of Directors and Shareholders: Details of company directors and shareholders are kept confidential unless specifically requested otherwise, enhancing privacy and security for stakeholders.
  • Flexibility in Management: Cook Islands companies offer flexibility in management and corporate governance, allowing for tailored structures that meet the needs of shareholders and stakeholders.
  • Shielding Wealth: The asset protection laws of the Cook Islands offer individuals and businesses a refuge from seizure and expropriation.
  • Remote Location: The Cook Islands remote location ensures continuance in times of political or global turmoil.

Scenario One


John is a high-net-worth individual who owns multiple properties, investments, and business interests across different jurisdictions. Concerned about the litigious nature of modern society and the potential risks associated with his wealth, John seeks a comprehensive asset protection strategy to safeguard his assets from legal threats and creditor claims.

Utilization of Cook Islands LLC

John decides to establish a Cook Islands LLC to serve as a holding company for his various assets. By structuring his assets within the LLC, John gains several key benefits:

  1. Limited Liability Protection: The Cook Islands LLC shields John’s personal assets from liabilities incurred by the company. In the event of legal claims or creditor actions against the LLC, John’s personal wealth remains protected, reducing his exposure to financial risk.
  2. Privacy and Confidentiality: The Cook Islands jurisdiction offers strict privacy protections, ensuring that details about John’s ownership interests and asset holdings remain confidential. This confidentiality helps to minimize the risk of targeted legal actions or unwarranted scrutiny from external parties.
  3. Asset Segregation: By consolidating his diverse assets within the Cook Islands LLC, John can effectively segregate and manage his wealth under a single legal entity. This centralized approach simplifies administration and enhances transparency in asset management.
  4. Legal Deterrent: The robust legal framework of the Cook Islands, coupled with its limited recognition of foreign court orders and creditor claims, serves as a deterrent against potential legal threats or opportunistic litigation targeting John’s assets.
  5. Flexibility and Control: As the owner and manager of the Cook Islands LLC, John retains control over the management and distribution of his assets. He can customize the LLC’s operating agreements to reflect his preferences regarding asset allocation, succession planning, and investment strategies.

Conclusion: By establishing a Cook Islands LLC as part of his asset protection strategy, John effectively fortifies his financial position and minimizes exposure to external risks. The LLC’s combination of limited liability protection, privacy safeguards, and legal advantages offers John peace of mind knowing that his hard-earned assets are secure and well-protected against potential threats in an increasingly litigious environment.

Scenario Two


Michael is a savvy entrepreneur who operates a successful online business, he has amassed his wealth in a renowned U.S. bank, amidst the current global uncertainties, numerous bank failures and potential for government interference, Michael seeks to safeguard his business assets and decentralize his wealth to mitigate risks associated with political instability.

Utilization of Cook Islands LLC

Michael decides to establish a Cook Islands LLC to fortify his business against global volatility and governmental overreach. Here’s how he leverages the Cook Islands LLC for protection:

  1. Asset Protection: Michael understands the importance of shielding his business assets from uncertainties in the global landscape. By transferring ownership of his business operations to a Cook Islands LLC, Michael creates a robust legal structure that insulates his wealth from potential government expropriation and seizure.
  2. Global Neutrality: The Cook Islands’ reputation for stability and neutrality makes it an ideal jurisdiction for safeguarding assets amidst global uncertainties. Michael values the jurisdiction’s commitment to legal transparency and predictability, providing a stable environment for his business operations.
  3. Decentralization of Wealth: In addition to protecting his business assets, Michael seeks to diversify his wealth across multiple jurisdictions to reduce exposure to global risks. The Cook Islands LLC allows Michael to decentralize his wealth by holding assets in offshore accounts and investments, minimizing reliance on any single jurisdiction or financial system.
  4. Confidentiality and Privacy: The Cook Islands LLC offers Michael the highest level of confidentiality and privacy for his financial affairs. With strict privacy laws in place, Michael can conduct business transactions with confidence, knowing that his privacy is protected from government surveillance and intrusion.
  5. Access to Private Banking and Investment: By establishing a presence in the Cook Islands, Michael gains access to exclusive private banking and investment opportunities. These services provide tailored financial solutions and investment options that cater to his unique wealth management needs, further enhancing the diversification and protection of his assets.
  6. Strategic Advantage: By establishing a Cook Islands LLC, Michael gains a strategic advantage in preserving and growing his wealth amidst global uncertainties. The jurisdiction’s robust legal framework, commitment to financial privacy, and access to private banking and investment services empower Michael to navigate volatile global landscapes with resilience and confidence.

Conclusion: Through the establishment of a Cook Islands LLC, Michael effectively shields his business assets and decentralizes his wealth to mitigate risks associated with political instability in the current state of the world. The LLC’s protective measures, coupled with the jurisdiction’s global neutrality, commitment to privacy, and access to private banking and investment services, provide Michael with a secure foundation for safeguarding and growing his wealth in an uncertain global environment. With his assets protected and diversified, Michael can focus on building a resilient financial future, regardless of the global challenges that may arise.

Establish your Cook Islands company today

The Cook Islands is an ideal jurisdiction for establishing an LLC due to its robust legal protections, privacy measures, and tax advantages. With strong asset protection laws and strict confidentiality regulations, it offers security for business assets and personal wealth. The jurisdiction’s stability, efficient registration process, and global recognition further enhance its appeal for LLC formation. Overall, a Cook Islands company provides a reliable and conducive environment for businesses seeking asset protection and regulatory certainty.

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